Sleepy and dull appearances are often caused by eyelids covering pupils due to ptosis - weakness of levator muscle.
Formation of wrinkles on forehead is
unavoidable since raising eyebrows are
necessary to open the eyes. Therefore,
ptosis correction to shorten the levator
muscle with incision along the inner
surface of eyelid or eyelid creases is mandatory.
cases requiring ptosis correction
If patients having ptosis symptoms receive double eyelid surgery without ptosis correction due to its cost
of possible scar induced from incision, thick eyelid lines or asymmetrical eyes can result after surgery.
There are also possibilities of no change or smaller appearance of eyes, thus, we strongly recommend ptosis
correction with double eyelid surgery.


Duration   1 hour
Anesthesia   Local anesthesia with IV sedation
Stitch Removal   5 days after surgery
Recovery Period

  70% of swelling disappears during 1-2 week,
  Swelling disappears gradually after 2-3 months
  Natural appearance after 6 months

Recovery period varies on individual basis.

home HOME > Eyelid Surgery > Eyelid Surgery Ptosis Correction

Operating Hours MON~FRI 10:00 ~ 19:00 SAT 10:00 ~ 17:00 SUN/HOLIDAYS CLOSED TEL +82.1688.8886 +82.2.544.0404 Consultation/Reservation +82-1086268896