
Subject : Inquiries on both nose and eyelid surgery
   Name : Emma Trinh Date : 2019-10-29 Hit : 11480
Hello there. I have some questions regarding the process and prices of surgery.
 First question: I understand prices of operation depends on each individual, however, about how much would it cost for hopefully, a simple nose surgery procedure?
 2nd question: About how much would eyelid surgery cost?
 3rd question: Starting from this date (10/28/19), how soon can I make reservation? How soon can I have surgery?
 4th question: How much in total estimated price for, nose surgery + eyelid surgery, accommodations, and pick-up services?
 5th question: Will accommodation include hotel services as well?
 6th question: How long is each (nose & eyelid) procedure take?
 7th question: After surgery, would I be able to stay only for a week?
 8th question: Can I take a friend to accompany me throughout the entire process?
 If you can could please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your help.

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